Job Details: South West Mayo Development Company: Mayo Community Connector - Social Prescribing Link Worker (Older Persons Specialist)

Irish Future
Talbot Street
Dublin 1
South West Mayo Development Company: Mayo Community Connector - Social Prescribing Link Worker (Older Persons Specialist)


Social prescribing generally involves three key components:

* a referral from a healthcare professional,
* a consultation with a social prescribing link worker and
* an agreed referral to a local community activity or programme or
service delivered by the Health Service or other organisation.

A Social Prescribing service empowers individuals to take control of
their health and wellbeing by referral to a social prescribing link
worker who adopts a holistic approach to assessment of their needs.
Social prescribing link workers work in true collaboration with
individuals over a period of time, assessing their needs and concerns
and developing a person- centred health plan based on these needs. The
ultimate aim of the social prescribing link worker is to connect
people to community groups, organisations and statutory services for
practical and emotional support with the overall purpose of improving
health and wellbeing and improving social support. Social prescribing
link workers support existing groups to be accessible and sustainable
and working collaboratively with all local partners identify gaps and
needs regarding particular groups or interests.

Social prescribing can help to strengthen community resilience and
personal resilience and reduces health inequalities by addressing the
wider determinants of health, such as debt, poor housing and physical
inactivity, by increasing people's active involvement with their local
communities. It particularly works for people with long-term
conditions (including support for mental health), for people who are
lonely or isolated, or have complex social needs which affect their

The Community Connector provides a specialist service to older people
similar to the service provided by the Social Prescribing Link Worker.
However, this is a specialist service for a specific cohort of older
patients upon discharge from the Integrated Care Team for Older
Persons (ICPOP). This is the only referral pathway for patients to be
referred to the Community Connector.

The integrated care team for older persons is a specialist
multidisciplinary service primarily targeting and managing the complex
care needs of the older person with multiple co-morbidities across a
continuum of care. The overall aims of the service are to:

* provide a specialist geriatric opinion using a multidisciplinary
approach to support older people with complex care needs.
* develop a person-centred care planning approach that supports
robust and timely communication across care settings.
* support appropriate and timely reduction of Emergency Department
(ED) attendance through the development of care pathways that support
GPs and others in assessment of older people with escalating care
* provide support and education to the older person, carers, and
healthcare professionals.



Please submit your Curriculum Vitae (CV) and cover letter by email to
**Apply on the website** quoting
CommunityConnectorApplication_YOURNAME in the subject line.

Please save your documents as YOURNAME_CV and YOURNAME_CoverLetter.

The closing date for applications for this role is **APPLY ON THE

We need : English (Good)

Type: Permanent
Category: Health

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Please Provide a Cover in the English Language.
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